404 Run Run

105 min

Language: Thai

Subtitle: English / Malay / Chinese

Genre: Comedy / Horror

Release date: January 9, 2025

Director: Pichaya Jarusboonpracha

Casts: Chantavit Dhanasevi, Kanyawee Songmuang, Chukiat Eiamsook

Rating: 16

Format: 2D

The plot

Nakrob, a young real estate swindler, discovers an abandoned hillside hotel by the beach and decides to turn it into a luxury hotel scam. However, he soon realizes that the hotel is still occupied by the ghost of its original owner, Lalita, who continues to haunt every inch of the property. Lalita`s ghost inflicts inexplicable horrors on anyone attempting to claim ownership after hers, thus sparking a battle between the living and the dead. Nakrob gathers shamans from various faith communities to try to expel Lalita, while she uses all her spectral power to haunt the intruders until their demise.




Eastern Cineplex